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Bernhard Schmidt

Bernhard Schmidt (philologist)

Bernhard Schmidt (Born 30th January 1837 in Jena; Died 18th January 1917 in Freiburg im Breisgau) was a German classical scholar.

Bernhard Schmidt was the son of a tax official Bernhard Schmidt and his wife Johanna born Sieglitz. He attended the boy’s establishment of Karl Volkmar Stoy, from 1851, the school Casimirianum in Coburg and in 1854 the gymnasium at Weimar. Then Schmidt studied Classical Philology in 1856 at the Universities of Jena, Berlin and Bonn. An eye disease forced him in 1859 to take several months rest, during which he was staying in his parents’ house in Jena. In 1860 he did a thesis in Berlin  De emendandarum Senecae tragoediarum rationibus prosodiacis et metricis for his doctorate.

After an extended period of study in Greece, Schmidt returned in 1865 to Jena. In 1872 he became a full professor at the University of Freiburg, where he remained until his retirement (1911).

His research included Roman tragedy and Greek folk literature. Among his most famous books are The People’s Lives of Modern Greeks and Hellenic Antiquity (Leipzig, 1871) and the anthology Greek Fairy Tales, Legends and Folk Songs (Leipzig 1877. reprint Hildesheim / New York 1978).

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (translated and edited from